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Urgent Care

Urgent Care Nurse

Trust in us.

When your injury or illness needs prompt attention but isn’t serious enough to merit a trip to the emergency room, Trusted Medical urgent care offers the convenience and comfort of a walk-in clinic with the broad-range services of a dedicated medical facility. Some of our services include:

General wellness exams

Diabetic screening


Fever, cold and flu treatment

Sprains and strains remedies

Minor cuts, abrasions, lacerations

Veteran and patient care icon

Trust our experts.

When you can’t access your primary care physician, Trusted Medical is here for you. We understand your relationship with your doctor is built on trust, and when they are unavailable, away, or it’s after hours or the weekend, we want you to have the same secure feeling in the care you receive. Our providers are board-certified and have many years of experience treating patients of all ages.

Community-based care icon

Trust our care.

We strive to provide timely, accessible, high-quality care in your community. Our focus is to help you avoid long wait times and expensive emergency departments visits. With backgrounds ranging from family practice to emergency care to internal medicine, Trusted Medical providers are passionate about the level of care they provide and the respect they have for their patients. You can have confidence in Trusted Medical.